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Outsource Software developer from offshore programming company where you can offshore dedicated programmers at affordable cost. Affordable cost is not only our plus point also you will great flexibility with the working hours according to your requirements. Read more...

Offshore Mobile Application Development

Offshore Mobile Application Development

If you are looking for Mobile application development services so hire Mobile application developers offshore dedicated application programmers from Mobile software application development company TalentsFromIndia on on contract basis at less than 40% costs onshore, equal or better quality guaranteed. Read more..

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If you are looking Website SEO Services in affordable price so hire SEO experts SEO services From Talentsfromindia Read more...

Open Source Customization

Open Source Customization

Custom open source Customization development Company India Offering to hire dedicated Open Source Customization developers, offshore Customization programmer for Open source Customization application development. Talentsfromindia have high skilled Customization developers in India on contract basis at less than 40% costs onshore, equal or better quality guaranteed. Read more...

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Hire Offshore Remote Staff From IT Staffing Company

Dedicated Offshore IT Staffing Company Provide experience and Professional offshore IT Staff Services with Strategic Solution. Hire Offshore Fulltime or Part Time IT Staffing Services Dedicated Remote staff from offshore Virtual IT Staffing Company on full time contract basis. Read more...

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Gitex Technology @ Participate With Talents From India

Talents From India is a right hand of Cyber Infrastructure Pvt Ltd, one of the excellent and reputated Mobile Application Development Company in India. Read more...

Saturday, April 5, 2014

India's Best IT Outsourcing Company - Reviews - Client's Testimonials

25 comments Reviews
These days reviews are the first and most important factor to judge any company before buying any products. Even before buying a mobile phones, people go through a lot of expert reviews and friend's personal recommendations, then how can you overlook reviews with your IT needs. Reviews are the major influencing and trusting factor when it comes to hiring a software development company. When people want to hire companies for website development, software development, online marketing promotions or any other IT work, they should always go through review sites.

TalentsFromIndia is a well renowned IT development company in India which has got their clients around the world. People believe in our offshore software & Web Development services and they always recommend their friends or relatives to get IT services from TFI. Our IT staff continuously work delicately and faithfully for all the clients, we are available 24*7 for effective communication to resolve any queries of clients. It is so often that our clients appreciate our smart work through testimonials and reviews for our IT services.

See TalentsFromIndia's full Reviews

It is with great happiness that I am writing this review, where I congratulate "" for the wonderful work they have done, which has helped me to complete the mobile website project well before the deadline. The contribution and dedication of your team specially Ravindra Patidar has been worthy of special praise, I have given 4 to 5 assignments to Ravindra & got professional output from him. I really appreciate the efforts of the team members, all of whom have worked hard to make my project successful. I hope this will remain our benchmark for future projects. Enjoy your recognition and keep up the good work.
Date published: 03/27/2014
5 Star Given By Nic Martin5 / 5 stars

It is with great happiness that I am writing this review, where I congratulate "" for the wonderful work they have done, which has helped me to complete the mobile website project well before the deadline. The contribution and dedication of your team specially Ravindra Patidar has been worthy of special praise, I have given 4 to 5 assignments to Ravindra & got professional output from him. I really appreciate the efforts of the team members, all of whom have worked hard to make my project successful. I hope this will remain our benchmark for future projects. Enjoy your recognition and keep up the good work.
Date published: 03/26/2014
5 Star Given By Fredrik Lundqvist5 / 5 stars

I want to wish you a wonderful remainder of 2014! Our business together has turned out to be more fruitful than I could have anticipated when we first started out, and I am grateful for the dedication and long hours you all have put in to make projects meet our expectations. With many hopes for another year of working together, excellent work TalentsFromIndia.
Date published: 03/26/2014
5 Star Given By Demi Evans5 / 5 stars

Overall, is a highly valued IT company of India. TalentsFromIndia's developer continues to work exceptionally hard and the code they produce is of a high standard. Anup is the most long-standing member of the TFI team working with Market Dojo, and consistently acts in a senior capacity, providing thoughtful inputduring team discussions and assisting other team members on difficult tasks. His hard work and length of time on the project, means he has an excellent understanding of many parts of our application and also a good understanding of how it is used by our customers. These attributes of developer make a highly valued IT company of India.
Date published: 03/26/2014
5 Star Given By Krista Burke5 / 5 stars

Overall, is a highly valued IT company of India. did a fantastic job and the website is headed for meeting all of our expectations. They has some very good skills in Joomla – a breath of fresh air from the other programming departments we have encountered.
Date published: 04/04/2014
5 Star Given By Phillp Roger5 / 5 stars

IT Outsourcing Services India - - Rating: 4.8 / 5 based on 5 user reviews
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Saturday, October 5, 2013

Present-Day Challenges For SEO Professionals

Online Advertising
"Online advertising or Internet advertising is everything people do for putting their promotional messages in front of Internet users with the help of on World Wide Web (WWW). It includes Internet marketing, search engine marketing, social media marketing, many types of display advertising (including web banner advertising), and mobile advertising." Source: Wikipedia

Internet marketing includes Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Referral Marketing etc. Internet marketing has been a great challenge for all the people involved into this business. It is being made a huge challenge for Internet marketing people by major search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing. To be honest, most of the people only care for what challenges are there by Google for their positions on Google's Search Engine Result Page(SERP). Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Social Media Marketing (SMM) are huge area covered by Internet marketing, these are the processes which can be started by any person having a little knowledge of Internet. Social Media is a thing people do in their daily life and they know most about it.

The competition and challenges in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Social Media Marketing (SMM) are immeasurable as these are the must-do activities for any website want to gain business or popularity and there is no website which is not meant to do so. SEO includes the best possible keywords search to your keywords ranking on Google top SERPs and all the steps in between them like Onpage changes: meta tags updates, proper keywords density in web page content, robots.txt, sitemap.xml check, load time etc. While SMM is a common activity to make a website famous on different social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest etc. Social media is something to encourage people to share a website by making a large social network.

SEO is being a hard nut to crack as the day passes, there are immense challenges with algorithm updates like Google Panda, Google Penguin, the latest update: Hummingbird. Many websites have been turned upside down with the different algorithm updates made by Google. Many SEO professionals shocked with their website positions after algorithm updates.

Let's see why are these updates are the necessity and how they ruined many SEO specialists work:

Google Panda Google Panda Algorithm Updatealgorithm came into existence in February 2011. It was meant to replace the ranking of "low-quality sites" or "thin sites" present in top SERPs by higher quality sites which are due to no reason come later in SERPs. News and Social networking websites showed great improvement and websites with extreme ads sent lower by their current ranking positions. Many experienced SEO specialists became victim of this update and there were enormous questions on Google's webmaster forum and other forum sites. Google Panda effect in April 2011 went worldwide. There have been many Panda updates ever since.

Google Penguin Update
Google Penguin is the name given to next major update by Google, it was announced on April 24, 2012. This algorithm was meant to designed to drop the rankings of the websites which are not following the webmaster guidelines provided by Google, the websites which are involved in Black-Hat SEO techniques and affecting the SERP's ranking with their artificial backlinks under different link schemes like buying or selling links, excessive cross-linking, making keyword-rich anchor text links etc. There have been updates for this algorithm named Penguin 1.1, Penguin 3, Penguin 2.0.

Google Hummingbird is the latest buzz in Google algorithm, added before a month
Google Hummingbird Latest Update
in Google's algorithm. It is announced in the last week of September"13 at Google's 15th birthday party. Hummingbird is the update trying to provide more human friendly results by understanding the query asked than to be just throwing the searched keywords results. With this update Google got the power to answer long, complex questions by understanding them. This update is not going to affect any of the websites but will provide Google own more focused results.

SEO executives have to fight all this algorithms, this updates make SEO a big challenge for them. SEO specialists should keep themselves up to date with this updates to make their websites in top SERPs.
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Monday, August 13, 2012

Cloud computing, an integral part of the mainstream IT resources

The word cloud in “cloud computing” has been taken from the symbol of cloud, which is most of the times used when there is a need to define Internet in flowcharts and diagrams. The cloud computing application is one of the hottest trend of the era that the businesses are trying to dig into for the simple reason of the popularity of the trend that has been showing promising signs in the recent past. Cloud computing has been there for a whole new experience of computing technology and philosophy. Now, this has been helping the small businesses change the way they are being conducted online. The advantages of cloud computing for any business are as under:

  • Opportunity of high availability:
The redundancy of the system is built in with a number of hosts, network security and SAN storage for the reason of the cloud being built around private cloud architecture with high availability.

  • System for security on the network:
IDS/IPS, dedicated firewalls and secure VLANs can be maintained for any cloud servers set, thus helping them attain the same level of security and dedicated network environment that is found on private cloud solutions.

  • Cost effective system:
Being available to be managed on monthly basis the private cloud computing system could be easily be made cost effective just like any other public cloud computing system.

The system that was once a dream for the whole of the world has now been made an integral part of the mainstream IT resources.

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Thursday, August 9, 2012

Social networking, a disrupting business model for online marketing

By disrupting the existing business models the Internet has been letting the websites transform the economies, industries and countries. Social networking sites have emerged as a latest and new hot spot platform for the marketing department officials to plan their marketing strategies on. Now, all this work needs proper demonstration and presentation in front of the prospective customer base, that includes each and every one who could have been hitting on your social networking page. This could only be done by creating a strong and impressive page for your product to be uploaded on the networking site, which is possible only with a very impressive content. The content could be made impressive by keeping in mind the following few points:

  • Attention:
Make sure that you attract the attention of your consumer base by involving not only the specifications of the product, but also the ways and points how it could help making the life of the users simpler.

  • Interest:
The other thing that should be kept in mind is the fact that, the page should have a content that continues to maintain the interest factor of the user base.

  • Action:
Now, at the end of it when the attention is seeked and the interest is maintained, taking action i.e. buying and paying should be made easy.

Advertising on these social networking sites has been providing the world of brand marketing a great opportunity to enhance their brand awareness. This has been helping the brands a lot in pulling the Internet crowd towards their ecommerce stores and thus boost the sales.

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Saturday, August 4, 2012

Google PageRank Updated August 2012 Confirmed


Google PageRank Updated August 2012 Confirmed
The latest Google page rank update that came as a pleasant surprise to few and as a disappointment to the others has given the internet world a lot to talk about recently. The whole of the internet world has developed a sort of habit to keep a close eye on the page ranks of their sites for the simple reason that the Google usually updates the page ranks about four times a year and thus the updates make it to the Internet world every three months.

The update when surprised a lot of them in a pleasant way with increased page ranks, others got disheartened and shocked to see the depreciated page ranks as a result of the update. Though many might not have expected the page rank update this soon, but then it did not completely come out of the blue. The regularity of the page rank updates that the Google has been maintaining has made the internet world a lot more alert and helped them keep a continuous eye on their sites to watch for the updates, if any.

The updates often take place over hours and sometimes even days and so if the change on your page has not yet taken place, it might still have to get updated. May has seen the last page rank update and so based on the regularity of the updates another could be expected before the year ends.

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Monday, July 16, 2012

Google Algorithm Updates, ways to recover from the worst hit ever

Google Panda and Penguin are the two Google Algorithms that have been the main reason behind the spectacular fall of the famous SEO strategies in the recent past. The main reason that these algorithms were introduced was the fact that Google believed that the new and upcoming sites should be provided with a fair opportunity to cope with the competition in the online marketing. The other very important reason for these updates was the fact that Google wanted to make sure that the low quality contents were curbed and penalized and the high quality contents and White hat SEO practices on the other hand were rewarded with increased page ranks.

The sites that got hit by any of these algorithm updates must have been involved in some wrong SEO practices that ended up having the sites penalised. Now, if any such thing has happened to your site, it doesn't mean it has to remain the same way forever. Steps could be taken to make sure that the site recovers from the aftermaths of the updates. Few of the suggested recovery steps are as under:

  • Content Quality:
The best way to get over the aftermaths of the algorithm updates of Google is to switch the bad content with the more quality content that includes reduction in the spelling mistakes, grammar errors and increase in the length of the content on almost all the pages of the site.

  • Viral link building should be avoided:
Viral link building of any sort comes under the category of black hat SEO startegy, which for the sake of keeping away from the next hit list of Google update, should be completely avoided.

  • Keyword stuffing:
After the recent Google update, if you are still involved in a black hat SEO strategy like keyword stuffing, this could turn out to be the last nail in the coffin of your website, so beware and grow up.

Now, by ensuring the fact that you are not involved in any such black hat SEO tactics, you could ensure the safety of your site from any such furthur updates.

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Friday, July 13, 2012

Reasons to opt for Android development

Android, being an open source mobile development platform powered by the operating system of Linux has been creating waves in the era of tech-savvy society, ever since the day it was launched in the market. It has been a matter of further delight for the users that more people have been getting interested in the smart phones that are powered by Android. As the Android applications change and grow in their versions people around the world are attracted towards the same even more. This popularity of the android based applications have been creating opportunities for the developers all around the globe thereby increasing the scope of the same in the application development industry.

There are few established reasons for the popularity of the android as a platform in the application development market, few of which are as follows:

  • Open source:
The most modest reason for the popularity of the platform for application development is the fact that it is an open source platform, meaning it is possible for anyone to obtain the codes from Google and then alter it the way you like to make it suitable for your use.

  • Google services:
The best thing that the Android as a platform provides is the fact that it supports the applications for almost all the major services of Google that include YouTube, Google Voice, Gmail, Google Maps along with applications like shopper, finance and translate.

  • Choose your hardware:
It might not be possible for you to get your hands on an Apple tablet, if you do not fancy an iPad, but that is definitely not the case with Android. When it comes to Android, you get to choose anything as a hardware starting from branded names to the Chinese versions.

An Android-powered operating system device being a portable and powerful system, allows the user to get hundreds of benefits right from browsing Internet, playing games to reading eBooks, and even allowing you to get the benefit of doing all at the same time, if you are of the multi-tasking sort.

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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Things to remember for successful iPad application development

The recent launch of Apple Inc is iPad that has provided a most appreciated platform for the possibilities of dynamic application development. It has been helping the world to get a complete new browsing experience on the Internet. Though, it has been a little while ago, when the iPads were introduced, it still entails the same freshness as a platform for application development, with which it was launched for the first time. Following are few things that are to be kept in mind for a successful iPad application development:

The iPad applications to be successful on the charts are bound to meet the expectations of the clients. The requirements and the needs of the people using iPad are very precise and the developers should understand that need precisely to the last very detail, which in turn will ensure the success of the application on the charts.

Development in phases:
Making sure that the project is divided into different phases, ensures the fact that the developers get to have a better control over the same. This also makes sure that all the aspects of the development are taken into proper consideration along with making sure that proper time allocation is done to each phase and the project gets completed in time.

Advance risk management:
It is most common for the developers to face problems during the development of a project application, the trick is to get prepared for it in advance to avoid any project threatening risk. This helps in avoiding any extra loss of time or resources that might be faced, if you are caught by a problem unaware.

These are the very common things that if taken care of, might help the developers in successful iPad applications development.
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Saturday, July 7, 2012

Responsive Web Design, changing the era of web designing

The humanity is heading towards a complete tech-savvy and Internet-savvy era, which flaunts its capability to browse Internet through a lot of devices that include mobile phones and android tablets. This fact has made it quite a compulsion for the businesses to find their way in the world of Internet, and most of all to do so in a more device compatible way. Now, this calls for a web design that could get adapted to almost all the platforms and the operating systems that is being used by the one visiting the website at the moment. This could be done by making the web design responsive.

There are a lot of benefits of making the web design responsive:
  • Different links:
The archaic way is make available different URLs to the user on the site so as to make it possible for the users to get navigated to the more device friendly site. Now responsive web design makes it possible for the developer and the website owner to not provide a different link, rather make the single website more responsive to almost all the sort of devices that could browse Internet.
  • Less expensive:
As the previous format of the web designs made it compulsory for the website owner to provide different links with different websites that were device compatible, all these websites were to be maintained by the website owner, which is bound to get a little expensive at times. A responsive web design makes the website device compatible, which means the owner of the site is not required to manage a lot of websites at a single moment.
  • Changes:
Changes, if any, the owner wants to make on his site, he is bound to make that on a lot of different websites if the website that he owns is not responsive. In case of responsive web design the changes are to be made on only one website. That saves a lot of work, time and money.

Know more about Website Designing Services

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Monday, July 2, 2012

iPhone series, a saga of tremendous popularity


The era has seen a tremendous popularity of the online games and Internet games. Gone are the days when people use to race cars and play Mario on their systems, with the ease of use and the accessibility that the mobile phones provide these days the mobile gaming has found a complete realm to expand its popularity.
iPhone series, a saga of tremendous popularity
The iPhones and iPads, with their innovative nature and the sort of accessibility that they provide to their users, are the most popular and recognized gadgets that the era has known.

iPhone having the first multimedia smart phone of their series being developed and launched in the year 2007 in the month of June, is a prized product of the company Apple. Even with its high prices the iPhone series still sells like hot cakes and stays way ahead of its competitors for the simple reason that the mobile hand set has become a sort of a craze with those who are more into flaunting their electronic gizmos.

The iPhones have become more of a luxury or a status symbol that are mainly used to flaunt the tech-savvy nature of an individual, due to the features that the product offers. Facilitating almost every walk of life, iPhones have been offering a lot of applications that make it easy not only for the businesses, but for the other aspects of life that include health, social networking, education and entertainment.

The tremendous popularity of the iPhones have led it to attract a lot of attention from the niche market. Ultimately making it possible for a lot imitated versions of iPhones available at cheaper rates. This has still not degraded the popularity or the price of the iPhones in the market. It still tops the popularity chart with the list of features that it flaunts and services that it offers.

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